Helen Seaman, Director at Constantia Life Developers, recently chatted to Lori Pinkerton-Rolet, host of the innovative ThirdAge.Design (TAD) podcast.
As a seasoned property developer with more than 35 years experience in the construction and development industry, Great Oaks Retirement Village is the culmination of Helen’s lifelong passion for caring for the elderly, coupled with her vision of developing a retirement village that addresses the changing needs of the elderly and ultimately become the blueprint for retirement villages in South Africa and across the globe.
This interview kicks off TAD’s newest series, “The World Series of Design”, in which Helen talks about Great Oaks Village – scheduled to open for occupation in 2024 – and how the Great Oaks Aging in Place philosophy is supported and delivered through meticulous design.
Click the link below to listen directly, or tune into this illuminating interview wherever you listen to your podcasts.
You can also view the transcript of the interview by clicking here.